Healthy Lifestyle Habits

healthy lifestyle habits
healthy lifestyle habbits

Lets Normalize Healthy Eating

Lifestyle changes are always challenging as we tend to change many things at a time. Here I suggest a game changing methodology which will make the process last longer. Consider it as an evolution rather than just a resolution. Mantra to long lasting healthy lifestyle is : One Behaviour at a time. The pathway to achieve this can be bifurcated into small achievable steps.

Route Map :
Develop a route map on how things can be achieved in the simplest form matching your daily life and it should feel intrinsic. Craft the finest details . At what time you want to workout and how long it will take? What meal should we have and the amount? But be realistic and make it achievable.

Baby Steps :
Don’t just go for bigger things on the first go . Try to start slow but on a constant pace. Envision and plan for a week , then for a month and then go for a few months and finally a year or so.

One Trait at a time :
Once you identify the unhealthy traits of your current lifestyle . Try to pick the most important and one trait which you need to convert to a healthy trait and deal with it.

Good Partner:
Don’t try to start the journey alone, fight it out with your loved ones . Let it be your spouse, parents or friend so that they will keep pushing and support your efforts.

Changes always require time, patience and commitment !!!

Stay healthy Stay Blessed